Yes, I am a girl with a dusky complexion, heavy body, short height and pathetic looking hair. I nowhere fit in the definition of beautiful. Constantly trying to get the colour of my lipstick right...I guess red suits me well but equally, does pink or orange? When these girls have a conversation about the colour of the lipstick and nail polishes I'm phased out. I don't understand. Blue or black or green, what difference does it make? Yes, I do wear earrings once every two months I guess. Why is it necessary anyway? Hoops or studs or whatever. And yes, why can't I go out with shoes that don't match my dress? I own just a pair. So they should go with everything I wear. Why can't they? I've had this conversation with myself every time I look into the mirror, should I go for a half pony? Na just normal pony will do. No, it isn't looking that nice, maybe I should drop them open? No, I should half Clutch them. Hmmm? I don't know. And these pimples...I...
A blog to remind you that you are never alone and feeble to achieve your dreams.