Last year around February, when I was taking my classes, we were told by the institute to write a message, so we all were given a piece of yellow drawing sheet to imprint that beautiful message. I was reluctant to even take that sheet, because I knew I was bad at creativity and writing stuff, so I won't be able to do anything. Anyway because everyone was taking it, I took it as well. Surrounded by a lot of creative people I was disheartened much to say I was't willing to do anything. Back that day sitting alone in my room I was trying hard thinking what should I write and how to present that blank sheet in an impressive manner, I called my sister asking her some recommendations. I was so not in mood to do anything that I asked her to write it for me, but she couldn't think of anything as well. Eventually my brain was empty, I just couldn't think of something good. After a lot of effort I came up with this but my write up was general and we were given a specific t...
A blog to remind you that you are never alone and feeble to achieve your dreams.