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Showing posts from August, 2018

The Beginning!!

Last year around February, when I was taking my classes, we were told by the institute to write a message, so we all were given a piece of yellow drawing sheet to imprint that beautiful message. I was reluctant to even take that sheet, because I knew I was bad at creativity and writing stuff, so I won't be able to do anything. Anyway because everyone was taking it, I took it as well. Surrounded by a lot of creative people I was disheartened much to say I was't willing to do anything. Back that day sitting alone in my room I was trying hard thinking what should I write and how to present that blank sheet in an impressive manner, I called my sister asking her some recommendations. I was so not in mood to do anything that I asked her to write it for me, but she couldn't think of anything as well. Eventually my brain was empty, I just couldn't think of something good. After a lot of effort I came up with this but my write up was general and we were given a specific t...


We search for love for ourselves  through others, we search for appreciation for ourselves through others. Why is it that we can't love ourselves?? Shouldn't the first word of appreciation come from self?? Learning to love ourselves should be the first thing that should be taught but its always other-way round, In school what taught is that you have to be better than the others, there is quite similar scenario at home and we end up comparing ourselves to someone who is totally different from us. Leaving us to pity at our pathetic self. Everyone has different backgrounds, facilities, body, complexion, brain and a lot more smaller things, the smallest thing all of yours DNA is different. How can you compare yourself with someone so different?? Aren't you insulting your unique self? Stop it now. We should appreciate the smallest move we have made, the smallest progress, which will turn big someday. Waiting for someone else to recognise your efforts is a waste ... be...