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Showing posts from July, 2018

Let Us Take The Responsibility

Sexual harassment. The topic itself is disturbing, isn't it? Then what is the reason I'm here talking about it? I actually thought of writing on this topic when everyone was expressing their empathy over the rape cases earlier this year. However, I thought I better not. The stats are disturbing as well. Most of the cases go unreported and those reported are hushed by fabricating the evidences along with the humiliation or embarrassment faced by the person. And then everything is blamed on the dressing attire, your way of talking, the people you hang out with. I am aghast by the lame sense of people justifying why it is the victims fault. Actually the problem is we trying to become independent and demanding equality.  Don't you think?? We should live in a house forever locked. And what if someone breaks in? Being cautious of each and every person around us, it's not possible. How can you? Or we should adjust ourselves that these things are just a part of life? We ...