Sitting in the morning breeze with a cup of coffee in my hand, looking at the lush beautiful green bounty in front of me, my mind as always travelled to the mystical land of fairies and demons. One thing always intrigued me - why are fairies fairies and demons demons? Why are the demons perceived as bad and scary whereas the fairies as beautiful and angelic? What if the words we're interchanged somehow and were meant to be the other way round? Why? What if you met a beautiful demon? What if I was in that fairyland? My life would have been different from as it is now? "Fairyland" as they say. They might have jobs to do as well, not only romance or some war, fighting for living rather than a throne. Things would have been different I guess, I might have felt happy from within just because of the fact that I am in the dreamland. Well, I don't think it's fair anyway to go to a faraway place just to feel contended. This sprang up the question-why can't I be ...
A blog to remind you that you are never alone and feeble to achieve your dreams.